The purpose of TOFA Ambassadors is to activate awareness, within the members of the Asian Pacific Islander Youth and their personal and civic duty to create change within the community.
Meets January - May Annually
Join us, January 4th from 6-8 p.m. first meeting of 2024
Sam Pannell Community Center
For more information
Contact Luisa Lavulo (916) 256-5684
Come and join the Ambassadors, a dynamic group of young PI’s that are exploring their passions, developing new life skills, learning about their local community, and making lifelong friends.
Our diverse range of programs and activities are tailored to meet the needs and interests of all. Whether you are looking to take up a new hobby, volunteer your time, or simply hang out with your friends, TOFA Ambassadors has something for you!
Click the link below to sign up.
9th - Game -1st 30mins - 45mins
Virtual Assignment Due w/ #TOFAambassadors2023-TikTok
What is a TOFA Ambassador? Assignment post
16th - Game -1st 30mins - 45mins
Bernice Singh- Rogers Speak about her advocacy journey
Help Presidential candidates make their campaign videos
#2025TAP #TOFAAmbassadorsPresident
23rd - Game -1st 30mins - 45mins
presidential campaign, final statement video assignment
Review Presidency/ Sacramento Mayor.
#2025TAP #TOFAAmbassadorsPresident In order to qualify for Presidency, MUST make a post and tag TOFA social medias pages
25th Sat - Field Trip - getting to know your city scavenger hunt activity
Lunch or Ice Cream on TOFA
30th - Game -1st 30mins - 45mins
Ambassador presidential voting day
Presidential Bingo
6th - Game -1st 30mins - 45mins
Short recap on what is Money? Good vs Bad Credit.
What is a Budget
13th - Game -1st 30mins - 45mins
How to Budget?
Virtual Assignment Due w/ #TOFAambassadors2025- How to Budget #TOFAFinancialLiteracyMonth
20th - Game -1st 30mins - 45mins
Make a Budget
Post #2025TAP #TOFAAmbassadors #Budget
27th - Game -1st 30mins - 45mins
council Member Mai Vang to come and speak on new plans for D8
Politician ladder, who can you go to for change in your neighborhood?
Virtual Assignment Due w/ #TOFAambassadors2025- How to Budget #TOFAFinancialLiteracyMonth
6th - Game -1st 30mins - 45mins
Guest presenter- Dr Taufa Lee
"Know the signs of a medical emergency and what to do - Call 911"
1. Choking 2. Chest Pain 3. Breathing problems 4. Bleeding 5. Change in mental status
Fri- 7th - Evening Field Trip - getting to know your city Scavenger hunt activity
13th - Tobacco free presentation. Presented by Luy Oback @ Luther Burbank High School
20th - Game -1st 30mins - 45mins
Review what to do in emergency
Emergency Skits
Virtual Assignment Due w/ #TOFAambassadors2025- #TOFACivicDutyMonth
27th - CPR CLass
3rd - Game -1st 30mins - 45mins
Choose a career
10th - Game -1st 30mins - 45mins
Find out what the typical job duties/attire is
12th SAT - P.i.e.f.e.s.t. Field trip the Bay
17th - Game -1st 30mins - 45mins
Come dressed as your chosen profession
Virtual Assignment Due w/ #TOFAambassadors2023- #TOFACareerMonth
24th - Game -1st 30mins - 45mins
assignment week - video post about your chosen profession
1st - Game -1st 30mins - 45mins
Siale will come and teach us how to make kiekie
Community service project - Graduation posters
8th - Game -1st 30mins - 45mins
LEARNING Traditional music (Tongan National Anthem)
15th - Game -1st 30mins - 45mins
LEARNING Traditional Music continued (break into parts)
22nd - Game -1st 30mins - 45mins
Learning Tradtional Music (give lead part, and harmonies)
27th - Record Traditional Music
Dance practices, time and place TBA
Performance, California State Fair, TBA
3rd - End of the year presentations, Awards Banquet
TOFA Ambassadors attended the Pacific Islanders Encouraging Fun, Engineering, Science, & Technology Event (PIEFEST) on Saturday, 11th March in Redwood City, CA. This event showcased Pacific Islander American professionals in the STEM industry. Our Ambassadors participated in hands on learning and came away with another avenue of possibilities for their paths in life. See more pictures in the photo gallery and videos on the tofainc instagram page.
TOFA Ambassadors visited the SMUD Museum of Science and Curiosity (MOSAC) in Sacramento where they learned about science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM) in a fun and engaging hands-on environment. See more pictures in the photo gallery.
TOFA Ambassadors present five things they have learned this year.
Lavulo's 1
Because leadership is our main goal, we wanted to give the Ambassadors a real feel of the election process.
Our Ambassadors met at CrossFit Kaiwai for team building and networking exercises. Coach Liz, started off the night separating Ambassadors into teams. each team came up with a team name, logo and chant. She ended with teams directing a blindfolded team member to create a perfect square with a string of rope.
Our President ’Ofa Mann talked about networking. She had some of the Ambassadors represent city officials and practiced formal introductions and networking basics.
Elizabeth Mann is a Senior Recruiter for Pacific Staffing. Catherine ‘Ofa Mann has been a community leader for over 20 years, and served two full terms as an Asian and Pacific Islander Commissioner to the Governor of California.
This week our Ambassadors signed their agreement contracts, formed partnerships and learned to formally greet others. They will take this skill and apply it when they represent TOFA at community events this year.
On September 28th, 2019, TOFA President, ‘Ofa Mann, organized our TOFA Ambassador volunteers at the “Our Voice Matters; 18th Annual CA Voters & Candidates Forum”, hosted by APAPA. TOFA Ambassadors were security, time keepers, crowd control, greeters and audience participants.
APAPA’s founder CC Yin opened the event while keynote speaker, actor, Tzi Ma spoke to the importance of having our voices heard. Ma shared, that “entertainment is relevant, meaningful, and a powerful tool for us to have our voices heard.” A host of elected officials addressed the audience and answered questions from the public. We look forward to being part of this important event next year.